|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]周陈菊,郑忠云,王少锋,等. 铝合金表面激光熔覆高硅涂层的组织与磨损性能[J].浙江理工大学学报,2012,29(02):254-258.
 ZHOU Chen\|ju,ZHENG Zhong\|yun,WANG Shao\|feng,et al. Microstructure and Wear Resistance of High Si Layer onAluminum Alloys by Laser Cladding[J].Journal of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,2012,29(02):254-258.





 Microstructure and Wear Resistance of High Si Layer onAluminum Alloys by Laser Cladding
16733851 (2012) 02025405
 周陈菊1 郑忠云2 王少锋1 曾红春1 席珍强1
 1.浙江理工大学材料工程中心, 杭州 310018; 2.西南油气田分公司, 成都 610051
 ZHOU Chen\|ju1 ZHENG Zhong\|yun2 WANG Shao\|feng1 ZENG Hong\|chun1 XI Zhen\|qiang1
 1. Materials Engineering Center, Zhejiang Sci\|Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China;2. PetroChina Southwest Oil&Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610051, China
 铝合金 激光熔覆 高硅涂层 微观组织 硬度 耐磨性能
     用7 kW横流CO2激光器在ZLl01铝合金表面激光熔覆高硅涂层。探索不同激光功率熔覆对涂层质量的影响,分析涂层的微观组织,测试涂层的硬度和磨损性能。结果表明:在优化工艺参数下制备出的激光熔覆高硅涂层组织致密、无气孔和裂纹,激光熔覆层中存在大量初晶Si、α\|Al树枝晶和共晶组织。涂层与基体结合区处呈现典型的外延生长特征,形成了良好的冶金结合。熔覆层的横截面硬度在HV150~320之间,是基体的2~3倍,并显著提高了基体的耐磨性能。


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[9]蔡珣, 赵涛, 陈秋龙, 等. 铸造铝合金激光表面改性金属—陶瓷梯度层[J]. 机械工程材料, 2002, 26(1): 25\|28.
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[1]陈智杰a,赵晓丽a,徐畅b,等. 有机颜料微胶囊在涂料染色中的应用及其染色效果分析[J].浙江理工大学学报,2013,30(01):1.
 CHEN Zhi jiea,ZHAO Xiao lia,XU Changb,et al. Application of Organic Pigment Microcapsule in Pigment Dyeingand Its Dyeing Results[J].Journal of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,2013,30(02):1.
[2]詹永娟,谢维斌,姜晓云,等. 织物液态水传递性能的自动检测技术及应用[J].浙江理工大学学报,2013,30(01):6.
 ZHAN Yong juan,XIE Wei bin,JIANG Xiao yun,et al. Technology and Application of the Automatic Detection inTesting Liquid Transport Properties of Textiles[J].Journal of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,2013,30(02):6.
[3]孙麒. 基于极大似然估计的织物图像分割[J].浙江理工大学学报,2013,30(01):12.
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[4]巫静a,田彦杰b,汪澜a,等. 基于SVM理论的涤纶织物分散染料上染率模型研究[J].浙江理工大学学报,2013,30(01):21.
 WU Jinga,TIAN Yan jieb,WANG Lana,et al. Research on Modeling of DyeUptake Rate for Disperse Dyes onPolyester Fibers Based on SVM[J].Journal of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,2013,30(02):21.
 ZHAO Hao,XU Ying lian,QI Su mei. Research on Using Knitted Blend Fabric of Modified Polyesterby Cellular Structure and Cotton for Wearing[J].Journal of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,2013,30(02):21.
[6]孙佳英,李艳清,章斐燕,等. 纺织结构复合材料铺层顺序设计与力学性能分析[J].浙江理工大学学报,2013,30(01):27.
 SUN Jia ying,LI Yan qing,ZHANG Fei yan,et al. Study on Layer Sequence Design and Mechanical Propertiesof Textile Structure Composites[J].Journal of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,2013,30(02):27.
[7]丁源维,王騊,姚菊明,等. 静电纺制备TiO2/PVA复合纳米纤维及其光催化性能研究[J].浙江理工大学学报,2013,30(01):31.
 DING Yuan wei,WANG Tao,YAO Ju ming,et al. Photocatalytic Performance Investigation of TiO2/PVANanofibers Prepared by Electrospinning[J].Journal of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,2013,30(02):31.
[8]章梦洁,伍仲,方园. 涤棉混纺织物阻燃性能的实验分析[J].浙江理工大学学报,2013,30(01):36.
 ZHANG Meng jie,WU Zhong,FANG Yang. Experimental Study on the PolyesterCotton BlendedFabrics Flame Retardancy[J].Journal of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,2013,30(02):36.
[9]胡觉亮a,孔云鹏b,韩曙光a,等. 基于随机需求的服装供应链回购契约研究[J].浙江理工大学学报,2013,30(01):40.
 HU Jue lianga,KONG Yun pengb,HAN Shu guanga,et al. Study on Repurchase Contract in a Fashion Chainwith the Stochastic Demand[J].Journal of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,2013,30(02):40.
[10]毛雯,阎玉秀. 针织服装供应商评价指标体系构建与权重确定[J].浙江理工大学学报,2013,30(01):46.
 MAO Wen,YAN Yu xiu. Building Evaluation Index System for Knitting Clothing Suppliersand Determining the Weight[J].Journal of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,2013,30(02):46.


 收稿日期: 2011-09-09
作者简介: 周陈菊(1987-),女,浙江德清人,硕士研究生,主要从事激光表面改性研究。
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